July 26, 2024

Saving Your Southern Garden from the Searing Summer Heat

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Saving Your Southern Garden from the Searing Summer Heat

They don’t call this “Hotlanta” for nothing! During the height of summer – particularly throughout the months of July and August – the mercury in your outdoor thermometer can rise above 100 degrees. This can be unwelcome news for lovers of the Great Outdoors, and even worse news for your lawn and landscaping. Because Green RiverBuilders puts as much of an emphasis on our outdoor living spaces as we do on the interiors of our homes, we’ve compiled some helpful tips to help you –and your Southern garden – weather the hot weather this summer.

Give Those Hanging Plants a Good Soaking

It’s hard to beat the beauty of a full Boston fern or hanging basket filled with brightly colored blooms adorning the front porch of a graceful Southern home. Unfortunately, those hanging plants can quickly fall victim to the summer heat. Instead of watering them from above with a watering can or spraying them with a hose, fill a tub or trough with water and dunk your plants to allow the water to absorb all the way through to the roots. The extra time you take in doing so just might extend the life of your plants.

Check for Pests

Summer heat creates the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos and caterpillars. Be sure to dump out any standing water from flowerpot saucers and outdoor toys and keep those birdbaths clean so mosquitoes won’t have time to multiply. In the event that mosquitoes become an issue, you might want to tap the talents of an environmentally friendly company to spray your yard with an organic blend that’s deadly to mosquitoes, but safe for humans and the pets that love them. If you’re growing tomatoes, keep an eye out for little nibbles taken out of leaves. Chances are, there’s a caterpillar hanging out in there. If you find one, don’t spray him with herbicide – simply pluck him off and transplant him elsewhere or drop him in a cup of soapy water.

Grass Between Your Toes

Bred for warmer climates, Bermuda, zoysia, St. Augustine and centipede sod can be planted inJuly and the first half of August. Water enough so that the top half stays moist, and the roots will take to the soil. Early in the day is your best bet but pay attention to local watering restrictions. When mowing, raise the deck to ensure moisture retention and lower soil temperatures. Leave the grass clippings on the lawn to decompose, rather than bagging them.

Make Your Bed

Pay close attention to the landscaping beds that surround your home. Keep them weeded and filled with a thick layer of mulch to aid in moisture retention to protect your plants during the heat of the day.

Plant for the Pollinators

This is a wonderful time of year to plant a butterfly bush, marigolds, salvia and lavender. They love full sun and attract a variety of butterflies, bees and hummingbirds – pollinators who are good for the environment and fun to watch.

Prep for the Coming Seasons

If your gardening talents extend into fruits and veggies, the sweltering summer months are when you can begin laying the groundwork for your Fall and Winter gardens.July is the perfect time to begin planting beans, cauliflower, cucumber, bell peppers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, cabbage and more. Be like the farmer and rise with the sun so you aren’t doing back-breaking work in the heat of the day and don’t forget to stay hydrated!

For even more helpful tips, look to the experts atUniversity of Georgia’s Cooperative Extension:

UGAExtension – July Tips for the Landscape and Garden

UGAExtension – August Tips for the Landscape and Garden

Green RiverBuilders is proud to partner with Platinum Key Realty of Georgia in the sale of our homes. To find the ideal homesite to house the home AND garden of your dreams, contact the Platinum Key sales team at 770-790-1096. To learn more about Green River Builders and where you can find our exceptionally crafted homes, visit www.GreenRiverBuilder.com.

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